The Return of Real Fashion

When it comes to Image Consulting in the world, we all know the best reference is AICI. When you think of fashion trends there is no better name to speak about it than one of the most influential fashion forecaster authorities in the world, the acknowledged Creative Director at the Doneger Group, David Wolfe. Now, […]

Fashion by AICI Tri-State Chapter! Luv it!

Last Tuesday I was pleased to join the AICI Tri-State Chapter Soiree, it was a fun gathering filled with fashion information and fashionable people. Can you imagine a lounge packed with women whose job is fashion/image-related? A blast!  Besides exchanging information, chatting and sipping wine we had a complete presentation on what will be the […]

Brazilian + shoes = <3

Semana passada, a convite de uma amiga que está sempre por dentro de tudooooo, tudo o que acontece em NYC, visitei o Salão do Calçado Fino da FFaNY no Hilton Hotel. Confesso que minha ida foi motivada por duas paixões: Calçados Calçados Brasileiros E de quebra ainda encontrei uma terceira razão para me alegrar, os […]

The Great Gatsby & More!

Last week I went out on a fashion tour in NYC with my Assistant. There is always so much to do around here that I hardly have free time to do some research/fun field trips. However, when something like “The Great Gatsby by Prada” happens, you have to make time for that. It was a […]

Talking boots

Hello all! As promised I am writing a post in English tonight. The idea is, when the topic is relevant for those who live above the Equator, Shakespeare’s language will be elected. However, when it’s  applicable to my Brazilian friends, then you’ll be reading fashion in Luis  Fernando Verissimo’s  mother tongue. It is summer now […]